
Cockroaches present one of the most significant risks to health. They carry diseases such as dysentery, gastroenteritis, diarrhoea, typhoid, poliomyelitis and salmonella.
There are many species of cockroach but four are common to the UK:

German cockroach Blatella Germanica

Length: 12 to 15mm (adult)

Description: Yellow/brown in colour with two long black streaks. Winged but rarely fly.

Habitat: Prefers warm, humid conditions. Nocturnal. Can climb smooth surfaces. Females carry oothecal (egg mass) on her abdomen until they hatch. Produce 30 to 40 eggs per oothecal with a female producing 4 to 8 egg masses. Live for 100 to 200 days.

Brown banded cockroach Supella Longipalpa

Length: 10 to 15mm (adult)

Description: Reddish/brown in colour with yellow circular marks. Are flat with prickly legs and long antennae. Adult males can fly.

Habitat: Similar to German cockroach. Prefer warm and humid conditions. Females glue eggs to furniture, cupboards etc. Females produce 10 to 14 ootheca with around 10 to 18 eggs a time. They live for 160 days.

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Oriental cockroach Blatta Orientalis

Length: 17 to 30mm (adult)

Description: Dark, almost black. Their wings cover their abdomen but they do not fly.

Habitat: Prefers dark, hidden, cool, damp places such as cellars and basements. Mainly active at night or early in the morning. Can tolerate cold weather. Females produce 10 ootheca over their lifetime, with up to 16 eggs each time. They can live up to 500 days.

Oriental cockroach Blatta Orientalis

Length: 20 to 40mm (adult)

Description: Reddish wing that completely covers the abdomen and has a yellow band around the edge of the body. They can fly.

Habitat: Prefers dark, hidden, hot and humid places. Live where food is stored. Females produce up to 10 ootheca, with 12 to 16 eggs a time. They live for 450 days.


Nuisance scale: 10/10 HIGH

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Immediate treatment advised!

Hazard: 10/10 HIGH

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Immediate treatment advised!


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